"Our strength is making teams prepare for (Calderon and I). I think our styles are totally different. He makes smart decisions, and I think I take more risks than he does.”
I’m not sure the manner in which Ford said this. Did he give Doug Smith a high-five while saying it? Was he serious? Did he immediately regret saying it? Did Sam Mitchell hear him say it?
Regardless, in the same article he says he’s not rushing back from the “stinger” which originally sent nerve impulses down both arms, but has now been localized to his left thumb(!). He thinks he’ll be ready for Saturday night’s game in DC.
Also on the shelf, indefinitely, is Jorge Garbajosa. Baltimore’s Dr. Mark Myerson, the man Zydrunas Ilgauskas sends a ham to each month for saving his career, suggested that Garbo get further surgery on his effed-up left leg. As frustrating and insignificantly controversial as this could be, you’ve got to give Garbo respect for saying the following in El Pais-Spanish national newspaper:
"The Raptors have acted really well with me. They have been worried about me and have spoken to several specialists...I had a meeting with Bryan Colangelo and Maurizio Gherardini. They tried to cheer me up.”
True, Garbo made all the wrong decisions regarding that injury (not getting the surgery; playing for Spain in the Euros even though they were guaranteed a spot in the World Championships), but he still would have been outclassed by Kapono (better shooter), Moon (better defender) and Delfino (better shooter AND defender) at small forward this year. The team really is no different without him. Calderon can even speak Spanish to Delfino on the bench, but Carlos doesn’t have the same sensuous Madrilenian lisp as the Garbage Man.
In unrelated news, Jamario Moon is signed to a two-year contract in which he’ll make $427,000 this year and $711,000 next year. Apparently, he has a shot at Rookie of the Year.