As stated in "Part One," the Raptors have $21,719,184 in expiring contracts next year, here's how they break down:
- Rasho Nesterovic - $8.4 million
- Anthony Parker - $4.5 million
- Jorge Garbajosa - $4.3 million
- Joey Graham - $2.4 million
- Maceo Baston - $1.9 million
This doesn't put them under the cap by any means, but it does give Bryan Colangelo flexibility as Doug Smith mentioned here. BC knows more than anyone that the Raptors need an above-average two or three that can slash and temper the team's current rebounding deficiency. A team may be tempted to take an expiring contract + a guy like Moon or Kapono because of their skills and upside before the season starts. Of all the names that Smith mentions, I find Josh Smith, Richard Jefferson and Jason Richardson the most intriguing (and least likely to pry away).
Barring a pre-season trade, expiring deals look more and more attractive as teams near the trade deadline. What got the Lakers Pau Gasol (other than Jerry West's corruption)? Hint: it wasn't Kwame Brown's tiny hands.
If you'll indulge me, and pretend, like I do every time I talk to my friends or post on this meager blog, that Bryan Colangelo loosens his collar at night in front of the Raptors' blogosphere and thinks, "Let's see what Andrew has to tell me tonight,"allow me some words of advice: Don't get too patient with Bargnani.
Part Three will explore why having Calderon and T.J. under contract is completely tenable and how much Delfino might command this off-season. In the meantime, here is Vince Carter being a total fucking idiot.
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